Please use the comments section of this post to point us to information that you that you think could be relevant.
You could also get in touch with any of the bloggers behind this effort by clicking on their names under the Contributors section, and, if they have an e-ddress displayed, writing to them directly.
Sunday, 31 July 2005
Blood Banks in Mumbai
List of Blood Banks in Mumbai
The phone numbers are not correct. I have tried to contact a few and was given the correct number by MTNL / Tata Indicom.
Will try to get the correct numbers listed here if possible later tonight.
The phone numbers are not correct. I have tried to contact a few and was given the correct number by MTNL / Tata Indicom.
Will try to get the correct numbers listed here if possible later tonight.
Surviving Cyclones
Mumbai is a coastal city and as much as we might pretend that cyclones would never hit the city, the truth is that we will never know. Please remember that Gujarat was hit by cyclones a few years ago.
Here is a cyclone survival guide:
Tropical Cyclones are low pressure systems in the tropics that, in the Southern Hemisphere, have well defined clockwise wind circulations with a region surrounding the centre with gale force winds (sustained winds of 63 km/h or greater with gusts in excess of 90 km/h).
The gale force winds can extend hundreds of kilometres from the cyclone centre. If the sustained winds around the centre reach 119 km/h (gusts in excess 170 km/h). then the system is called a severe tropical cyclone. These are referred to as hurricanes or typhoons in other countries.
The circular eye or centre of a tropical cyclone is an area characterised by light winds and often by clear skies. Eye diameters are typically 40km but can range from under 10km to over 100km. The eye is surrounded by a dense ring of cloud about 16km high known as the eye wall which marks the belt of strongest winds and heaviest rainfall.
Structure of a Cyclone (Schematic)

Tropical Cyclones derive their energy from the warm tropical oceans and do not form unless the sea-surface temperature is above 26.5°C, although, once formed, they can persist over lower sea-surface temperatures. Tropical cyclones can persist for many days and may follow quite erratic paths. They usually dissipate over land or colder oceans.
The severity of a tropical cyclone is described in terms of categories ranging from 1 to 5 related to the zone of maximum winds. An estimate of cyclone severity is included in all tropical advices. Remember that the Warning Service is not designed to give an exact statement of conditions at individual locations but will give a general idea of the expected worst conditions. Using this severity scale, communities will be able to assess the degree of cyclone threat and take appropriate action. Damage will vary depending upon factors such as:
* How far you are from the zone of maximum winds;
* How exposed the location is;
* Building standards;
* Vegetation type; and
* Resultant flooding.
The category does not refer to the amount of flooding or storm tides. If a storm tide is expected it will be mentioned separately in the cyclone warning.

Tropical Cyclones are dangerous because they produce destructive winds, heavy rainfall with flooding and damaging storm surges that can cause inundation of low-Iying coastal areas.
Cyclones have wind gusts in excess of 90 km/h around their centres and, in the most severe cyclones, gusts can exceed 280 km/h. These very destructive winds can cause extensive property damage and turn airborne debris into potentially lethal missiles. It is important to remember that, during the passage of the cyclone centre or "eye", there will be a temporary lull in the wind, but that this will soon be replaced by destructive winds from another direction.
Heavy rainfall associated with the passage of a tropical cyclone can produce extensive flooding. This can cause further damage and death by drowning. The heavy rain can persist as the cyclone moves inland and decays, hence flooding due to a decayed cyclone can occur a long way from the tropical coast as the remains of a cyclone move into central and southern parts of the continent.
The destructive winds accompanying tropical cyclones also produce phenomenal seas, which are dangerous both for vessels out at sea and those moored in harbours. These seas can also cause serious erosion of foreshores.
Storm Surge/Tide
Potentially, the most destructive phenomenon associated with tropical cyclones that make landfall is the storm surge. Storm surge is a raised dome of water about 60 to 80 km across and typically about 2 to 5m higher than the normal tide level. If the surge occurs at the same time as a high tide then the area inundated can be quite extensive, particularly along low-lying coastlines.
The information in this checklist was prepared by Emergency Management Australia in consultation with State/Territory Emergency Services to help protect you and your property.
* Check with your local council or your building control authority to see if your home has been built to cyclone standards.
* Check that the walls, roof and eaves of your home are secure.
* Trim treetops and branches well clear of your home (get council permission).
* Preferably fit shutters, or at least metal screens, to all glass areas.
* Clear your property of loose material that could blow about and possibly cause injury or damage during extreme winds.
* In case of a storm surge/tide warning, or other flooding, know your nearest safe high ground and the safest access route to it.
* Prepare an emergency kit containing:
o a portable battery radio, torch and spare batteries;
o water containers, dried or canned food and a can opener;
o matches, fuel lamp, portable stove, cooking gear, eating utensils; and
o a first aid kit and manual, masking tape for windows and waterproof bags.
* Keep a list of emergency phone numbers on display.
* Check neighbours, especially if recent arrivals, to make sure they are prepared.
* Re-check your property for any loose material and tie down (or fill with water) all large, relatively light items such as boats and rubbish bins.
* Fill vehicles' fuel tanks. Check your emergency kit and fill water containers.
* Ensure household members know which is the strongest part of the house and what to do in the event of a cyclone warning or an evacuation.
* Tune to your local radio/TV for further information and warnings.
* Check that neighbours are aware of the situation and are preparing.
Depending on official advice provided by your local authorities as the event evolves; the following actions may be warranted.
* If requested by local authorities, collect children from school or childcare centre and go home.
* Park vehicles under solid shelter (hand brake on and in gear).
* Put wooden or plastic outdoor furniture in your pool or inside with other loose items.
* Close shutters or board-up or heavily tape all windows. Draw curtains and lock doors.
* Pack an evacuation kit of warm clothes, essential medications, baby formula, nappies,
valuables, important papers, photos and mementos in waterproof bags to be taken with
your emergency kit. Large/heavy valuables could be protected in a strong cupboard.
* Remain indoors (with your pets). Stay tuned to your local radio/TV for further information.
Based on predicted wind speeds and storm surge heights, evacuation may be necessary.
Official advice will be given on local radio/TV regarding safe routes and when to move.
* Wear strong shoes (not thongs) and tough clothing for protection.
* Lock doors; turn off power, gas, and water; take your evacuation and emergency kits.
* If evacuating inland (out of town), take pets and leave early to avoid heavy traffic, flooding and wind hazards.
* If evacuating to a public shelter or higher location, follow police and State/Territory Emergency Services directions.
* If going to a public shelter, take bedding needs and books or games for children.
* Leave pets protected and with food and water.
* Disconnect all electrical appliances. Listen to your battery radio for updates.
* Stay inside and shelter {well clear of windows) in the strongest part of the building,
i.e. cellar, internal hallway or bathroom. Keep evacuation and emergency kits with you.
* If the building starts to break up, protect yourself with mattresses, rugs or blankets under a
strong table or bench or hold onto a solid fixture, e.g. a water pipe.
* Beware the calm 'eye'. If the wind drops, don't assume the cyclone is over; violent winds
will soon resume from another direction. Wait for the official 'all clear'.
* If driving, stop (handbrake on and in gear) - but well away from the sea and clear of trees,
power lines and streams. Stay in the vehicle.
* Don't go outside until officially advised it is safe.
* Check for gas leaks. Don't use electric appliances if wet.
* Listen to local radio for official warnings and advice.
* If you have to evacuate, or did so earlier, don't return until advised. Use a recommended route and don't rush.
* Beware of damaged power lines, bridges, buildings, trees, and don't enter floodwaters.
* Heed all warnings and don't go sightseeing. Check/help neighbours instead.
* Don't make unnecessary telephone calls.
Here is a cyclone survival guide:
Tropical Cyclones are low pressure systems in the tropics that, in the Southern Hemisphere, have well defined clockwise wind circulations with a region surrounding the centre with gale force winds (sustained winds of 63 km/h or greater with gusts in excess of 90 km/h).
The gale force winds can extend hundreds of kilometres from the cyclone centre. If the sustained winds around the centre reach 119 km/h (gusts in excess 170 km/h). then the system is called a severe tropical cyclone. These are referred to as hurricanes or typhoons in other countries.
The circular eye or centre of a tropical cyclone is an area characterised by light winds and often by clear skies. Eye diameters are typically 40km but can range from under 10km to over 100km. The eye is surrounded by a dense ring of cloud about 16km high known as the eye wall which marks the belt of strongest winds and heaviest rainfall.
Structure of a Cyclone (Schematic)

Tropical Cyclones derive their energy from the warm tropical oceans and do not form unless the sea-surface temperature is above 26.5°C, although, once formed, they can persist over lower sea-surface temperatures. Tropical cyclones can persist for many days and may follow quite erratic paths. They usually dissipate over land or colder oceans.
The severity of a tropical cyclone is described in terms of categories ranging from 1 to 5 related to the zone of maximum winds. An estimate of cyclone severity is included in all tropical advices. Remember that the Warning Service is not designed to give an exact statement of conditions at individual locations but will give a general idea of the expected worst conditions. Using this severity scale, communities will be able to assess the degree of cyclone threat and take appropriate action. Damage will vary depending upon factors such as:
* How far you are from the zone of maximum winds;
* How exposed the location is;
* Building standards;
* Vegetation type; and
* Resultant flooding.
The category does not refer to the amount of flooding or storm tides. If a storm tide is expected it will be mentioned separately in the cyclone warning.

Tropical Cyclones are dangerous because they produce destructive winds, heavy rainfall with flooding and damaging storm surges that can cause inundation of low-Iying coastal areas.
Cyclones have wind gusts in excess of 90 km/h around their centres and, in the most severe cyclones, gusts can exceed 280 km/h. These very destructive winds can cause extensive property damage and turn airborne debris into potentially lethal missiles. It is important to remember that, during the passage of the cyclone centre or "eye", there will be a temporary lull in the wind, but that this will soon be replaced by destructive winds from another direction.
Heavy rainfall associated with the passage of a tropical cyclone can produce extensive flooding. This can cause further damage and death by drowning. The heavy rain can persist as the cyclone moves inland and decays, hence flooding due to a decayed cyclone can occur a long way from the tropical coast as the remains of a cyclone move into central and southern parts of the continent.
The destructive winds accompanying tropical cyclones also produce phenomenal seas, which are dangerous both for vessels out at sea and those moored in harbours. These seas can also cause serious erosion of foreshores.
Storm Surge/Tide
Potentially, the most destructive phenomenon associated with tropical cyclones that make landfall is the storm surge. Storm surge is a raised dome of water about 60 to 80 km across and typically about 2 to 5m higher than the normal tide level. If the surge occurs at the same time as a high tide then the area inundated can be quite extensive, particularly along low-lying coastlines.
The information in this checklist was prepared by Emergency Management Australia in consultation with State/Territory Emergency Services to help protect you and your property.
* Check with your local council or your building control authority to see if your home has been built to cyclone standards.
* Check that the walls, roof and eaves of your home are secure.
* Trim treetops and branches well clear of your home (get council permission).
* Preferably fit shutters, or at least metal screens, to all glass areas.
* Clear your property of loose material that could blow about and possibly cause injury or damage during extreme winds.
* In case of a storm surge/tide warning, or other flooding, know your nearest safe high ground and the safest access route to it.
* Prepare an emergency kit containing:
o a portable battery radio, torch and spare batteries;
o water containers, dried or canned food and a can opener;
o matches, fuel lamp, portable stove, cooking gear, eating utensils; and
o a first aid kit and manual, masking tape for windows and waterproof bags.
* Keep a list of emergency phone numbers on display.
* Check neighbours, especially if recent arrivals, to make sure they are prepared.
* Re-check your property for any loose material and tie down (or fill with water) all large, relatively light items such as boats and rubbish bins.
* Fill vehicles' fuel tanks. Check your emergency kit and fill water containers.
* Ensure household members know which is the strongest part of the house and what to do in the event of a cyclone warning or an evacuation.
* Tune to your local radio/TV for further information and warnings.
* Check that neighbours are aware of the situation and are preparing.
Depending on official advice provided by your local authorities as the event evolves; the following actions may be warranted.
* If requested by local authorities, collect children from school or childcare centre and go home.
* Park vehicles under solid shelter (hand brake on and in gear).
* Put wooden or plastic outdoor furniture in your pool or inside with other loose items.
* Close shutters or board-up or heavily tape all windows. Draw curtains and lock doors.
* Pack an evacuation kit of warm clothes, essential medications, baby formula, nappies,
valuables, important papers, photos and mementos in waterproof bags to be taken with
your emergency kit. Large/heavy valuables could be protected in a strong cupboard.
* Remain indoors (with your pets). Stay tuned to your local radio/TV for further information.
Based on predicted wind speeds and storm surge heights, evacuation may be necessary.
Official advice will be given on local radio/TV regarding safe routes and when to move.
* Wear strong shoes (not thongs) and tough clothing for protection.
* Lock doors; turn off power, gas, and water; take your evacuation and emergency kits.
* If evacuating inland (out of town), take pets and leave early to avoid heavy traffic, flooding and wind hazards.
* If evacuating to a public shelter or higher location, follow police and State/Territory Emergency Services directions.
* If going to a public shelter, take bedding needs and books or games for children.
* Leave pets protected and with food and water.
* Disconnect all electrical appliances. Listen to your battery radio for updates.
* Stay inside and shelter {well clear of windows) in the strongest part of the building,
i.e. cellar, internal hallway or bathroom. Keep evacuation and emergency kits with you.
* If the building starts to break up, protect yourself with mattresses, rugs or blankets under a
strong table or bench or hold onto a solid fixture, e.g. a water pipe.
* Beware the calm 'eye'. If the wind drops, don't assume the cyclone is over; violent winds
will soon resume from another direction. Wait for the official 'all clear'.
* If driving, stop (handbrake on and in gear) - but well away from the sea and clear of trees,
power lines and streams. Stay in the vehicle.
* Don't go outside until officially advised it is safe.
* Check for gas leaks. Don't use electric appliances if wet.
* Listen to local radio for official warnings and advice.
* If you have to evacuate, or did so earlier, don't return until advised. Use a recommended route and don't rush.
* Beware of damaged power lines, bridges, buildings, trees, and don't enter floodwaters.
* Heed all warnings and don't go sightseeing. Check/help neighbours instead.
* Don't make unnecessary telephone calls.
Low Lying Areas in Mumbai
This from the Mid-Day:
Mumbai's low lying areas
• Colaba Lalit Building to Badhwar Park
• Kalbadevi Kalbadevi Road near Cotton Exchange, Ghodaghadi Junction MK Road,
• Pydhonie Nalbazaar to Alankar Cinema
• Girgaon Khetwadi main road, Bank Road, Wilson College, Nana Chowk, Grant Road Junction, Babulnath Road, Duncan Road
• Tardeo Tardeo Circle, Mahalaxmi Junction, Warden Road to American Embassy, Nepeansea Road, Keshavrao Khade Marg
• Nagpada Mumbai Central Junction, Jacob Cricle to Chinchpokli
• Byculla Junction Byculla Junction, Kalachowkie Junction, Albert Circle
• Bhoiwada Hindmata to Bharatmata, Parel to Elphinstone Bridge
• Bunder Ray Road Junction bridge and E Saade Point
• Worli Poonam Signal, Bavla Masjid to NM Joshi Marg, Wadacha Naka, Worli Naka, E Moses Road Junction, Senapati Bapat Marg to Nehru Sceince Centre
• Mahim LJ Road Junction, Sitladevi Temple Road
• Matunga Matunga Police Station to Sion Hospital Junction, Dadar Circle
• Kurla LBS Marg to Sonapur Lane
• Mulund Mulund Subway
• Bandra Milan Subway, Khar Subway, Linking Road, Gazebo Restaruant to Khar Telephone Exchange, Chitrakaar Dhurander Marg, Khar Danda
• DN Nagar Andheri Subway, SV Road Andheri Market to Amboli Naka, Oshiwara Bridge, JP Road Junction and SV Road, JVPD Circle
• Malad Malad Subway
• Goregaon Nirlon Company to Cama Estate Services Road
• Borivli Road Dahisar Subway, Mithi River in Dahisar
How did the waters recede?
• On S V Road and Link Road it traveled viz major and minor nallahs to Mithi river/Arabian Sea.
• Also along the Western Express Highway and subway to Bandra pumping station via an interconnected network
• From Churchgate to Globe Mill Complex, Worli, to the Love Grove Pumping Station and then to the city
• Most of the water at Colaba was treated at the Colaba pumping station and then let into the Arabian Sea
courtesy: Cloudburst Mumbai
Mumbai's low lying areas
• Colaba Lalit Building to Badhwar Park
• Kalbadevi Kalbadevi Road near Cotton Exchange, Ghodaghadi Junction MK Road,
• Pydhonie Nalbazaar to Alankar Cinema
• Girgaon Khetwadi main road, Bank Road, Wilson College, Nana Chowk, Grant Road Junction, Babulnath Road, Duncan Road
• Tardeo Tardeo Circle, Mahalaxmi Junction, Warden Road to American Embassy, Nepeansea Road, Keshavrao Khade Marg
• Nagpada Mumbai Central Junction, Jacob Cricle to Chinchpokli
• Byculla Junction Byculla Junction, Kalachowkie Junction, Albert Circle
• Bhoiwada Hindmata to Bharatmata, Parel to Elphinstone Bridge
• Bunder Ray Road Junction bridge and E Saade Point
• Worli Poonam Signal, Bavla Masjid to NM Joshi Marg, Wadacha Naka, Worli Naka, E Moses Road Junction, Senapati Bapat Marg to Nehru Sceince Centre
• Mahim LJ Road Junction, Sitladevi Temple Road
• Matunga Matunga Police Station to Sion Hospital Junction, Dadar Circle
• Kurla LBS Marg to Sonapur Lane
• Mulund Mulund Subway
• Bandra Milan Subway, Khar Subway, Linking Road, Gazebo Restaruant to Khar Telephone Exchange, Chitrakaar Dhurander Marg, Khar Danda
• DN Nagar Andheri Subway, SV Road Andheri Market to Amboli Naka, Oshiwara Bridge, JP Road Junction and SV Road, JVPD Circle
• Malad Malad Subway
• Goregaon Nirlon Company to Cama Estate Services Road
• Borivli Road Dahisar Subway, Mithi River in Dahisar
How did the waters recede?
• On S V Road and Link Road it traveled viz major and minor nallahs to Mithi river/Arabian Sea.
• Also along the Western Express Highway and subway to Bandra pumping station via an interconnected network
• From Churchgate to Globe Mill Complex, Worli, to the Love Grove Pumping Station and then to the city
• Most of the water at Colaba was treated at the Colaba pumping station and then let into the Arabian Sea
courtesy: Cloudburst Mumbai
Oxfam responds to Mumbai Floods
International agency Oxfam's emergency assessment team is now in the western Maharashtra district of India responding to the worst flooding in the area for three decades.
The Oxfam International emergency team is urgently gathering information on the ground to determine the needs of people affected by the flooding in Mumbai and the surrounding areas. The Oxfam team has been responsible for evacuating people stranded in the flood water and plans to start its relief effort in the next few days once a needs assessment has been carried out.
More than 800 people are believed to have died in Mumbai and a further 5,000 have been rescued from the coastal regions. Thousands remain trapped in their homes and a rescue operation is underway.
"Oxfam is on the ground gathering vital information so we know how best to respond to the needs of people. Our priority is to ensure that more people don't loose their lives because of this disaster and that they have the basic essentials such as access to clean drinking water", said Oxfam aid worker Aditi Kapoor.
Heavy rainfall in the area over the past few days has lead to widespread flooding with more than 26 inches of rain, the heaviest ever recorded in Indian falling on Tuesday in Mumbai. Half of Maharashtra has been affected by the floods and the situation in the coastal region has worsened.
Oxfam partners are reporting a landslide in the Mahad and Raigad areas of western Maharashtra that may have killed dozens of people.
"The major rivers flowing through the city have burst their banks causing flooding in the slum areas adjoining the river as well as to buildings and apartments. There has been widespread damage and we anticipate the death toll will increase over the coming hours and days. Oxfam and other agencies are in a race against time to save lives" said Kapoor.
For more information please contact Shaista Aziz in the Oxfam Media Unit on +44 (0) 7810814980, Aditi Kapoor on 0091 9810306200 or Marlene McIntyre on 00961 407515559
The Oxfam International emergency team is urgently gathering information on the ground to determine the needs of people affected by the flooding in Mumbai and the surrounding areas. The Oxfam team has been responsible for evacuating people stranded in the flood water and plans to start its relief effort in the next few days once a needs assessment has been carried out.
More than 800 people are believed to have died in Mumbai and a further 5,000 have been rescued from the coastal regions. Thousands remain trapped in their homes and a rescue operation is underway.
"Oxfam is on the ground gathering vital information so we know how best to respond to the needs of people. Our priority is to ensure that more people don't loose their lives because of this disaster and that they have the basic essentials such as access to clean drinking water", said Oxfam aid worker Aditi Kapoor.
Heavy rainfall in the area over the past few days has lead to widespread flooding with more than 26 inches of rain, the heaviest ever recorded in Indian falling on Tuesday in Mumbai. Half of Maharashtra has been affected by the floods and the situation in the coastal region has worsened.
Oxfam partners are reporting a landslide in the Mahad and Raigad areas of western Maharashtra that may have killed dozens of people.
"The major rivers flowing through the city have burst their banks causing flooding in the slum areas adjoining the river as well as to buildings and apartments. There has been widespread damage and we anticipate the death toll will increase over the coming hours and days. Oxfam and other agencies are in a race against time to save lives" said Kapoor.
For more information please contact Shaista Aziz in the Oxfam Media Unit on +44 (0) 7810814980, Aditi Kapoor on 0091 9810306200 or Marlene McIntyre on 00961 407515559
On Wikipedia
Wikipedia has an entry for Maharashtra floods. I have added Mumbai Help and Cloudburst Mumbai in the References section.
My first time on Wikipedia. I can't describe it, but somehow I felt like first time on stage... full of butterflies inside my stomach, goosebumps, previewing 5 times etc..etc.. Wiki-fright, anyone? :p
My first time on Wikipedia. I can't describe it, but somehow I felt like first time on stage... full of butterflies inside my stomach, goosebumps, previewing 5 times etc..etc.. Wiki-fright, anyone? :p
Toll free number for the Regional Met Dept
The Indian Met Dept's Mumbai Centre, Colaba has a toll-free number for weather information:
More details (on how to access other cities) at this link.
[Note: I haven't been able to try this out yet, so I hope the info on this site is up to date]
"...Interactive Voice Response System for making weather information available to the users over telephone. The IVRS can be accessed, round the clock, by dialing Toll Free Number 1600 180 1717 from any location in the states of Maharashtra, Gujarat and Goa... After the selection of language, the user can select the city by pressing 1 for Mumbai...".
More details (on how to access other cities) at this link.
[Note: I haven't been able to try this out yet, so I hope the info on this site is up to date]
Online Weather Reports for Mumbai
Here are some webpages on weather reports & forecasts for Mumbai (and the rest of the region):
* The Indian Met Dept's page for Mumbai
* The Met Dept's Regional Mumbai Centre
* India Server
* Yahoo! Weather
* National Informatics Centre's Weather page
*'s Mumbai page
[Useful if, like me, you have limited access to TV weather reports but can log on to the WWW]
* The Indian Met Dept's page for Mumbai
* The Met Dept's Regional Mumbai Centre
* India Server
* Yahoo! Weather
* National Informatics Centre's Weather page
*'s Mumbai page
[Useful if, like me, you have limited access to TV weather reports but can log on to the WWW]
Managing Urban Sewage - An Introductory Guide for Decision-makers
Shangai and Manhattan all rolled into one eh?
Suggest the blogger world provide links such as these
to the collective politicians and bureaucrats so that they learn the basics.
Suggest the blogger world provide links such as these
to the collective politicians and bureaucrats so that they learn the basics.
National Disaster Management website
Hurray! there is a website by the Ministry of Home Affairs
We are impressed. But has anyone in that ministry bothered to find out if the people that be have implemented even 1 % of the so called plan?
Maybe it is time for the people - read as the ones who took it upon themselves to help to do what it takes to be prepared for the next big one.
We are impressed. But has anyone in that ministry bothered to find out if the people that be have implemented even 1 % of the so called plan?
Maybe it is time for the people - read as the ones who took it upon themselves to help to do what it takes to be prepared for the next big one.
Important Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai phone numbers.
Via email from jaygee.
You can find a Ward-by-Ward list of Assistant Municipal Commissioners here (can't guarantee how up to date it is, since the list has a line at the bottom mentioning a 2002 update) and Municipal Councillors names, addresses and telephone numbers here.
(Strange that the home page of the "Official Site" of the MCGM makes no mention of the events of last week. It does have a marquee listing a new email address for sales tax, though, alternating between some lame slogans.)
You can find a Ward-by-Ward list of Assistant Municipal Commissioners here (can't guarantee how up to date it is, since the list has a line at the bottom mentioning a 2002 update) and Municipal Councillors names, addresses and telephone numbers here.
(Strange that the home page of the "Official Site" of the MCGM makes no mention of the events of last week. It does have a marquee listing a new email address for sales tax, though, alternating between some lame slogans.)
Saturday, 30 July 2005
Precautions to avoid an epidemic
The BMC has issued a red alert, warning that there might be "an epidemic of diseases". Mid Day reproduces the following precautions:
• Diseases to look out for are diarrhoea, dysentery, leptospirosis and typhoid
• Water should be filtered and boiled before drinking. Once the water starts boiling, continue boiling it for at least 10 minutes.
If required, chlorine tablets should be used for disinfecting water. They are available at municipal ward offices, health posts and dispensaries
• Do not eat exposed food
• Don’t self-prescribe medication. Though a dose of doxycycline is advisable to prevent leptospirosis, consult a doctor. Irregular use of antibiotics can have side effects
• In case of fever, go to municipal dispensaries, health posts or hospitals for treatment. Do not postpone treatment
• Do not walk around in stagnant water. Use gumboots for protection from contaminated water. If there is contact with stagnant water, then wash up immediately
• Keep the area around your house clean.
• In case of emergencies like landslides, floods, contaminated water in water taps, no water supply, contact: Control room: 108 or 22632315.
Oxygen suppliers
Bharat Oxygen Corporation
168 L B S Marg Kurla Mumbai-400070
Tel.: 25141593
Tel.: 28342439
Industrial Oxygen Company Ltd
2nd Floor ,56 Jolly Maker Chambers Nariman Point Mumbai-400021
Tel.: 22026314
Indo Gases
S B Marg Lower Parel Mumbai-400013
Tel.: 24925936
Kumar Oxygen
Gala No C-6 Road No 32
Wagle Estate
Tel.: 25822691
Tel.: 26206581
Prakash Oxygen
Radha Raman Kunj
24 Station Road
Tel.: 26493865
Pamarox Pvt Ltd
Patel Sadan, 40-C
Off.Pedder Road
Tel.: 23868267
Soyuz Trading Corporation
33 S K Mension 1st Floor
Kolsa Street Pydhunie
Tel.: 23436235
Saroj Surgical Supplies
1/18 Taredo Air Conditioned Markets
Tel.: 24944023
Sanghi Oxygen Bombay Pvt Ltd
Mani Mahal Building
11\21 Mathew Road
Tel.: 23634852
Sanghi Oxygen
Mahakali Road Andheri E
Tel.: 28341499
Tel.: 23471189
The Laboratory
141 Noman Manzil, Opp Everest Bldg,
Tardeo Rd.
Tel.: 24941332
Tiwari Shitala Prasad
16 Divine Express Co Op Housing Society
Mulund East
Tel.: 25601783
168 L B S Marg Kurla Mumbai-400070
Tel.: 25141593
Tel.: 28342439
Industrial Oxygen Company Ltd
2nd Floor ,56 Jolly Maker Chambers Nariman Point Mumbai-400021
Tel.: 22026314
Indo Gases
S B Marg Lower Parel Mumbai-400013
Tel.: 24925936
Kumar Oxygen
Gala No C-6 Road No 32
Wagle Estate
Tel.: 25822691
Tel.: 26206581
Prakash Oxygen
Radha Raman Kunj
24 Station Road
Tel.: 26493865
Pamarox Pvt Ltd
Patel Sadan, 40-C
Off.Pedder Road
Tel.: 23868267
Soyuz Trading Corporation
33 S K Mension 1st Floor
Kolsa Street Pydhunie
Tel.: 23436235
Saroj Surgical Supplies
1/18 Taredo Air Conditioned Markets
Tel.: 24944023
Sanghi Oxygen Bombay Pvt Ltd
Mani Mahal Building
11\21 Mathew Road
Tel.: 23634852
Sanghi Oxygen
Mahakali Road Andheri E
Tel.: 28341499
Tel.: 23471189
The Laboratory
141 Noman Manzil, Opp Everest Bldg,
Tardeo Rd.
Tel.: 24941332
Tiwari Shitala Prasad
16 Divine Express Co Op Housing Society
Mulund East
Tel.: 25601783
List of Chemists
Nair Medico Nr Nair Hospital Lal Chimney Cmp, Dr.a.nair Road, Agripada, Agripada 400011 Tel.No:3091186
Mukund Medical and General Stores 13 Mukund Nagar Co Op Hsg Soc, Andheri Kurla Road Andheri(East) 400059 Tel.No:8371104
Dinesh Medical & General Stores Opp. Bhagwati Hospital Borivali (West) Tel.No:8952993 Noble Chemists 123, New Charni Road, Sir Harkisondas Hospital, Prarthana Samaj Charni Road 400004 Tel.No:3853130
Sheetal Medical & General Stores Near Shashikant Hospital, 82-A Chembur Rly.Station Road, Chembur 400071 Tel.No:5554461
Life-n-care Drug Stores Ground Floor, Anant Niwas, Shivaji Park Keluskar Road, Dadar(West) 400028 Tel.No:4464246
Bhavani Medical & General Stores Sardar House, 173, Rajawadi Road, Ghatkopar(East) 400077 Tel.No:5128235
Noble Chemists Hind Mahasabha Hospital Ghatkopar(West) 400086 Tel.No:5153260 Milan Medical L.B.S.Marg, Near Sarvodaya Hospital Ghatkopar(West) 400086 Tel.No:5152727/8
Mahalaxmi Medical L.t.rd No.5 Opp Gurudwara, Near New Municipal Hospital, Goregaon(West) 400062 Tel.No:8723011
Omair Medical & General Stores 2 Rippon Apts., Jogeshwari(West) 400086 Tel.No:6280156
Khar Medical Stores Station Road Khar 400052 Tel.No:6461329
Sheetal Chemists Opp. Sheetal Theatre, Kurla 400070 Tel.No:5138339
Day and night National Chemists. Vir Savarkar Marg, Near Hinduja Hospital, Mahim 400016 Tel.No:4440079
Kalpesh Medical Store Balubhai Niwas, Daftari Road Malad(East) 400097 Tel.No:8834418
Bhaktivedanta Hospital Sector 1, Shristi Complex Meera Road(East) Tel.No:8101884 Real Chemists Shop 51 Karad Arcade, Opp Bombay Hospital New Marine Lines 400020 Tel.No:2004211
Bombay Chemists Kakad Arcade, Near Bombay Hospital New Marine Lines 400020 Tel.No:2001173/2072823
Royal Chemist Opposite Children's Wadia Hospital Parel 400012 Tel.No:4115028
Shreejee Medico Chemist Acharya Dhonde Marg Opp, Wadia Children Hospital Parel 400012 Tel.No:4139709
The Parel Chemists 4-a Lahar Bros Mansion,Opp Kem Hospital, Parel 400012 Tel.No:4131299
National Chemists Laher Bros.Mansion, Shop No-2, 3, 4, 5, opp. KEM Hospital Parel 400012 Tel.No:4136860, Fax: 4130164
Carmichael Medical Stores 19 Pedder Road Next To Jaslok Hospital Peddar Road 400026 Tel.No:4946948
Noble Medicals S. V. Road, Santacruz(West) 400054 Tel.No:6001570
Shiv Chemists Shop No 8, 206 Shiv Mahal, In Road East, Sion 400022 Tel.No:4141251
Empire Chemists Empire House, S. V. Road, Irla Vile Parle(West) 400056 Tel.No:6718970, 6712186
Dilip Drug House C/O Nanavati Hospital, S. V. Road, Vile Parle(West) 400056 Tel.No:6182255, Ext 527
Mukund Medical and General Stores 13 Mukund Nagar Co Op Hsg Soc, Andheri Kurla Road Andheri(East) 400059 Tel.No:8371104
Dinesh Medical & General Stores Opp. Bhagwati Hospital Borivali (West) Tel.No:8952993 Noble Chemists 123, New Charni Road, Sir Harkisondas Hospital, Prarthana Samaj Charni Road 400004 Tel.No:3853130
Sheetal Medical & General Stores Near Shashikant Hospital, 82-A Chembur Rly.Station Road, Chembur 400071 Tel.No:5554461
Life-n-care Drug Stores Ground Floor, Anant Niwas, Shivaji Park Keluskar Road, Dadar(West) 400028 Tel.No:4464246
Bhavani Medical & General Stores Sardar House, 173, Rajawadi Road, Ghatkopar(East) 400077 Tel.No:5128235
Noble Chemists Hind Mahasabha Hospital Ghatkopar(West) 400086 Tel.No:5153260 Milan Medical L.B.S.Marg, Near Sarvodaya Hospital Ghatkopar(West) 400086 Tel.No:5152727/8
Mahalaxmi Medical L.t.rd No.5 Opp Gurudwara, Near New Municipal Hospital, Goregaon(West) 400062 Tel.No:8723011
Omair Medical & General Stores 2 Rippon Apts., Jogeshwari(West) 400086 Tel.No:6280156
Khar Medical Stores Station Road Khar 400052 Tel.No:6461329
Sheetal Chemists Opp. Sheetal Theatre, Kurla 400070 Tel.No:5138339
Day and night National Chemists. Vir Savarkar Marg, Near Hinduja Hospital, Mahim 400016 Tel.No:4440079
Kalpesh Medical Store Balubhai Niwas, Daftari Road Malad(East) 400097 Tel.No:8834418
Bhaktivedanta Hospital Sector 1, Shristi Complex Meera Road(East) Tel.No:8101884 Real Chemists Shop 51 Karad Arcade, Opp Bombay Hospital New Marine Lines 400020 Tel.No:2004211
Bombay Chemists Kakad Arcade, Near Bombay Hospital New Marine Lines 400020 Tel.No:2001173/2072823
Royal Chemist Opposite Children's Wadia Hospital Parel 400012 Tel.No:4115028
Shreejee Medico Chemist Acharya Dhonde Marg Opp, Wadia Children Hospital Parel 400012 Tel.No:4139709
The Parel Chemists 4-a Lahar Bros Mansion,Opp Kem Hospital, Parel 400012 Tel.No:4131299
National Chemists Laher Bros.Mansion, Shop No-2, 3, 4, 5, opp. KEM Hospital Parel 400012 Tel.No:4136860, Fax: 4130164
Carmichael Medical Stores 19 Pedder Road Next To Jaslok Hospital Peddar Road 400026 Tel.No:4946948
Noble Medicals S. V. Road, Santacruz(West) 400054 Tel.No:6001570
Shiv Chemists Shop No 8, 206 Shiv Mahal, In Road East, Sion 400022 Tel.No:4141251
Empire Chemists Empire House, S. V. Road, Irla Vile Parle(West) 400056 Tel.No:6718970, 6712186
Dilip Drug House C/O Nanavati Hospital, S. V. Road, Vile Parle(West) 400056 Tel.No:6182255, Ext 527
Ambulance services list
Arya Samaj
Tel. : 2648 2800 / 2646 2075
Andheri West
Tel. : 2624 3675 / 2625 3599 / 2625 5264
Tel. : 2307 6113
Bombay City Corporation
Tel. : 2201 4295
Tel. : 2556 9990
Tel. : 2361 0836
Tel. : 2422 9531 / 2422 9556
Tel. : 2209 5611
Dhobi Talao (Marine Lines)
Tel. : 2430 5847 Mahim
Tel. : 2430 5847
Tel. : 2515 3260
Tel. : 2872 1061
Golden Hour Projects
Tel. : 2422 2040 / 2430 8888
Tel. : 2837 2859
Khar West
Tel. : 2648 5676
Tel. : 2209 5611
Lamington Road
Tel. : 2388 7758
LTMG Hospital, Sion
Tel. : 2407 6381 UPTO 89
Mulund East
Tel. : 2564 5385
Mulund West
Tel. : 2567 5995
Municipal Ambulance
Tel. : 2307 7324, 2307 9643
Muslim Ambulance Society
Tel. : 2375 5645, 2375 9846
Tel. : 2492 3491, 2492 5788
Saifee Ambulance
Tel. : 2347 1189, 2346 6520
Shivaji Park
Tel. : 2430 5847
Tel. : 2648 2800 Sion
Tel. : 2407 6381 Thane
Tel. : 2533 1552 Vile Parle (West)
Tel. : 2620 7254
Accident cases only: 102
Heart Attack: 105
24 hrs Ambulance Services (Fort): 2266-2059 / 2913
Ambulance Service (New Mumbai): 2766-9189
Andheri Vyapari Mitra Mandal (Andheri): 2832-0021 / 2832-0026 / 2625-3599
Arya Samaj (Fort): 2261-2388 / 2262-1464
Arya Samaj Mandir Hall (Santacruz): 2648-2800
Asha Parekh Hospital (Santacruz): 2649-3737 / 2649 1203
Ashok Mastkar Ambulance (Dadar): 2422-9531 / 2422-9556
Ashraya Charitable Trust (Mumbai): 2388-7758
Asmita Bhatiya (Tardeo): 2309-4050 / 2307-2711
Asmita (Jogeshwari): 2832-7561
Balaji Ambulance (Day and Night - Ghatkopar East): 2513-5417
Bhagvati Hospital (Borivili): 2893-2461 / 2893-2462
Bharti Ed. Committee (Mulund West): 2561-3180 / 2561-3329
Blue Star Ambulance Garage (Warden Road): 2367-1331 / 2367-7518
Bombay Hospital (Marine Lines): 2208-7128 / 2206-7309 / 206-7676 / 208-7128
Bombay Samarpan Relief Service (Bandra): 2642-2076
Cooper Hospital (Vile Parle): 2620-7254 / 2620-5892
Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj (Chembur): 2551-4488 / 2551-0897
Citizens' Committee (Ghatkopar): 2512-8744 / 2513-1884
Day and Night Ambulance (Goregaon): 2873-2823
Divine Life (Malad): 2889-1484
Dr R.N. Cooper (Dadar): 2430-5847
Edward Jens. (Byculla): 2307-1927
Emergency Ambulance Service (Dadar): 2430-8888 / 2422-2040
Girgaon Public Centre (Girgaon): 2388-1374
Golden Hour Project
Dadar: 2430-8888 / 2422-2040
Khar: 2646-1278
Mulund: 2564-5385
Harishrai Jakhand. (Bhandup): 2560-1634 / 2560-1635
Hindu Relief Committee (Ghatkopar): 2515-3260 / 2515-3460
Indira Ambulance Service (Goregaon): 2872-1993 / 2873-7372
Infectious Diseases (M.G. Marg): 2307-7324 / 2307-9643
Inlex (Chembur): 2551-4266 / 2551-4268
Jai Ambe Welfare Society (Borivili): 2805-1999 / 2805-0999
Jalaram Baba (Bhuleshwar): 2206-9601 / 2208-1237
Jivan Vilas (Andheri): 2834-0476 / 2834-3772
Kala Yuvak Mandal (Mulund): 2560-1185 / 2560-3436
Lonica Ambulance Service (Vile Parle): 2611-4395 / 2613-1245
Mithaben Nenshi (Dadar): 2414-5034
Maitri Mandal Trust (Colaba): 2283-3504
Maratha Kala Mandir (Mumbai Central): 2371-2460
Municipal Ambulances: 2307-7324 / 2307-9643
Parsi Ambulance Service: 2262-1666
Sion Hospital (Sion): 2407-2737 / 4207-6381
St. John Services 2266-2913
Tel. : 2648 2800 / 2646 2075
Andheri West
Tel. : 2624 3675 / 2625 3599 / 2625 5264
Tel. : 2307 6113
Bombay City Corporation
Tel. : 2201 4295
Tel. : 2556 9990
Tel. : 2361 0836
Tel. : 2422 9531 / 2422 9556
Tel. : 2209 5611
Dhobi Talao (Marine Lines)
Tel. : 2430 5847 Mahim
Tel. : 2430 5847
Tel. : 2515 3260
Tel. : 2872 1061
Golden Hour Projects
Tel. : 2422 2040 / 2430 8888
Tel. : 2837 2859
Khar West
Tel. : 2648 5676
Tel. : 2209 5611
Lamington Road
Tel. : 2388 7758
LTMG Hospital, Sion
Tel. : 2407 6381 UPTO 89
Mulund East
Tel. : 2564 5385
Mulund West
Tel. : 2567 5995
Municipal Ambulance
Tel. : 2307 7324, 2307 9643
Muslim Ambulance Society
Tel. : 2375 5645, 2375 9846
Tel. : 2492 3491, 2492 5788
Saifee Ambulance
Tel. : 2347 1189, 2346 6520
Shivaji Park
Tel. : 2430 5847
Tel. : 2648 2800 Sion
Tel. : 2407 6381 Thane
Tel. : 2533 1552 Vile Parle (West)
Tel. : 2620 7254
Accident cases only: 102
Heart Attack: 105
24 hrs Ambulance Services (Fort): 2266-2059 / 2913
Ambulance Service (New Mumbai): 2766-9189
Andheri Vyapari Mitra Mandal (Andheri): 2832-0021 / 2832-0026 / 2625-3599
Arya Samaj (Fort): 2261-2388 / 2262-1464
Arya Samaj Mandir Hall (Santacruz): 2648-2800
Asha Parekh Hospital (Santacruz): 2649-3737 / 2649 1203
Ashok Mastkar Ambulance (Dadar): 2422-9531 / 2422-9556
Ashraya Charitable Trust (Mumbai): 2388-7758
Asmita Bhatiya (Tardeo): 2309-4050 / 2307-2711
Asmita (Jogeshwari): 2832-7561
Balaji Ambulance (Day and Night - Ghatkopar East): 2513-5417
Bhagvati Hospital (Borivili): 2893-2461 / 2893-2462
Bharti Ed. Committee (Mulund West): 2561-3180 / 2561-3329
Blue Star Ambulance Garage (Warden Road): 2367-1331 / 2367-7518
Bombay Hospital (Marine Lines): 2208-7128 / 2206-7309 / 206-7676 / 208-7128
Bombay Samarpan Relief Service (Bandra): 2642-2076
Cooper Hospital (Vile Parle): 2620-7254 / 2620-5892
Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj (Chembur): 2551-4488 / 2551-0897
Citizens' Committee (Ghatkopar): 2512-8744 / 2513-1884
Day and Night Ambulance (Goregaon): 2873-2823
Divine Life (Malad): 2889-1484
Dr R.N. Cooper (Dadar): 2430-5847
Edward Jens. (Byculla): 2307-1927
Emergency Ambulance Service (Dadar): 2430-8888 / 2422-2040
Girgaon Public Centre (Girgaon): 2388-1374
Golden Hour Project
Dadar: 2430-8888 / 2422-2040
Khar: 2646-1278
Mulund: 2564-5385
Harishrai Jakhand. (Bhandup): 2560-1634 / 2560-1635
Hindu Relief Committee (Ghatkopar): 2515-3260 / 2515-3460
Indira Ambulance Service (Goregaon): 2872-1993 / 2873-7372
Infectious Diseases (M.G. Marg): 2307-7324 / 2307-9643
Inlex (Chembur): 2551-4266 / 2551-4268
Jai Ambe Welfare Society (Borivili): 2805-1999 / 2805-0999
Jalaram Baba (Bhuleshwar): 2206-9601 / 2208-1237
Jivan Vilas (Andheri): 2834-0476 / 2834-3772
Kala Yuvak Mandal (Mulund): 2560-1185 / 2560-3436
Lonica Ambulance Service (Vile Parle): 2611-4395 / 2613-1245
Mithaben Nenshi (Dadar): 2414-5034
Maitri Mandal Trust (Colaba): 2283-3504
Maratha Kala Mandir (Mumbai Central): 2371-2460
Municipal Ambulances: 2307-7324 / 2307-9643
Parsi Ambulance Service: 2262-1666
Sion Hospital (Sion): 2407-2737 / 4207-6381
St. John Services 2266-2913
Maharashtra Government helpline
The state government has set up a 24-hour helpline.
The numbers are 22027990 and 22793551. (Numbers via Mumbai Mirror's useful information page.)
[Lifted from Amit's post here.]
The numbers are 22027990 and 22793551. (Numbers via Mumbai Mirror's useful information page.)
[Lifted from Amit's post here.]
Resources and essential services in Mumbai
Karmayog, a "site linking Mumbai-based nonprofits and volunteers", has got a section on their site that deals with the aftermath of the floods. They state their objectives thus:
(Link via email from Falstaff.)
a) asking for support - of materials, services, volunteers, moneyThey have a useful list of resources, including 24-hour chemists, ambulance services, hospitals, police stations, free medical services and other essential services. They also have a good description of how the local administration is set up, with ward-by-ward listings.
b) offering support - government, corporates, ngo's, individuals, lists
c) examples of what happened - personal stories, photos, published reports.
d) suggestions and ideas and reasons - the type of letters you would send to a newspaper
e) to be used as a nodal point for pan-Mumbai orgs like AGNI, Rotary Clubs, Lion Clubs, all schools, etc.? e.g. helpline, tie-up with FM stations or police stations or railway stations, etc.
(Link via email from Falstaff.)
Friday, 29 July 2005
On Leptospirosis dangers
For those of you who have walked through water, it is advisable to take Doxycycline 100 mg 2 tablets daily for 3 days along with Becosules tablets 2 tablets daily for 3 days as a prophylactic medicine against leptospirosis.
It is necessary that you take the complete course of medication.
WARNING: Please consult your doctor before taking any medication.
It is necessary that you take the complete course of medication.
WARNING: Please consult your doctor before taking any medication.
Driving in flood waters
- If you live in an area where flooding may occur, move your vehicle to higher ground if flooding is expected. As well as the risk of damage to your vehicle by leaving it in a flooded area, it may also be a hazard or cause obstruction to emergency services.
- Do not drive unless your journey is absolutely necessary.
- If you have to drive in a flooded area take care. Do not attempt to drive through water if you are unsure of the depth.
- Don't drive through fast-moving water, such as at a flooded bridge approach – your car could be swept away
- Drive slowly and steadily to avoid creating a bow wave, and allow on-coming traffic to pass first.
- Keep the engine revving by slipping the clutch otherwise water in the exhaust could stall the engine.
- Modern vehicles are fitted with catalytic converters in the exhaust system. The catalyst normally works at high temperatures and may crack if it is submerged in water. Replacement catalysts are expensive.
- The air intake on many modern cars is located low down at the front of the engine bay and it only takes a small quantity of water sucked into the engine to cause serious damage. All engines are affected but turbo-charged and diesel engines are most vulnerable.
- Be considerate – driving through water at speeds above a slow crawl can result in water being thrown onto pavements, soaking pedestrians or cyclists.
- If your car stalls, immediately abandon it and climb to higher ground. Watch your footing. Just six inches of fast-moving flood water can sweep a person off his or her feet.
- Test your brakes as soon as you can after driving through water.
- If the vehicle has been stood in the flooded area for any prolonged period contact your local dealer for further advice.
- If the vehicle has only been in a flood for a short period, drive with extreme caution and take the car to be checked at the earliest opportunity.
What should you do after a flood?
- FIRST STEP: If you are unable to stay in your home, make sure to say where you can be reached.
- To make filing your claim easier, take photos of any water in the house and save damaged personal property. If necessary, place these items outside the home. An insurance adjuster will need to see what's been damaged in order to process your claim.
- Check for structural damage before re-entering your home. Don't go in if there is a chance of the building collapsing.
- Upon re-entering your property, do not use matches, cigarette lighters or other open flames since gas may be trapped inside. If you smell gas or hear hissing, open a window, leave quickly, and call the gas company from a neighbor's home.
- Keep power off until an electrician has inspected your system for safety.
- Check for sewage and water line damage. If you suspect damage, avoid using the toilets and the tap and call a plumber.
- Throw away any food -- including canned goods -- that has come in contact with floodwaters.
- Until local authorities declare your water supply to be safe, boil water for drinking and food preparation.
- Make sure to follow local building codes and ordinances when rebuilding. Use flood-resistant materials and techniques to protect your property from future flood damage.
Major hospitals in Mumbai
Jaslok Hospital & Research Centre
15 Dr G Deshmukh Marg
Bhulabai Desai Road
Tel.No:56573333; 56573093; 56573010; 23533333
Breach Candy Hospital
60 Bulabai Desai Road
J J Hospital
Hinduja Hospital
Veer Savarkar Marg
Mahim 400016
Tel.No:4449199, 4451515, 4452222
Bombay Hospital
Bombay Hospital Avenue
Marine Lines
K.E.M. Hospital
15 Dr G Deshmukh Marg
Bhulabai Desai Road
Tel.No:56573333; 56573093; 56573010; 23533333
Breach Candy Hospital
60 Bulabai Desai Road
J J Hospital
Hinduja Hospital
Veer Savarkar Marg
Mahim 400016
Tel.No:4449199, 4451515, 4452222
Bombay Hospital
Bombay Hospital Avenue
Marine Lines
K.E.M. Hospital
Some Tips
Bombay, or anywhere else... being prepared, and keeping your wits about you will make all the difference.
- Memorise a few phone numbers: Friends, relatives, colleagues - anyone will help most gladly.
- Try to plough on, but be reasonable: If you're wading through waist-high water (or more!) for a long time, check with people around if there's an alternate route.
- If you find a vehicle, ask around if someone else wants to go with you - even part of the way. The strangest irony is to see thousands walking on roads, while vehicles go by with one occupant.
- If you take any medicines, carry atleast an additional day's dose on your person, always.
- Carry food, water, money, your phone (in a ziplock bag, if it is raining), medicines (if any). And nothing else. Travel light.
- If you're in an unfamiliar city, keep emergency numbers with you.
Surviving Mumbai
40 inches of rain can bring Mumbai to its knees. Here is an attempt to list articles, addresses, people, places, anything that will help when disaster hits Mumbai next time.
This is a forum of like minded people who want to Survive Mumbai.
40 inches of rain can bring Mumbai to its knees. Here is an attempt to list articles, addresses, people, places, anything that will help when disaster hits Mumbai next time.
This is a forum of like minded people who want to Survive Mumbai.
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