Wednesday 13 July, 2011

Offers of help here

If you have a place for people to crash, can offer transport or any others in Bombay, do leave a comment here


  1. i have volunteered on the spreadsheet, tell me how to help, i can arrange for blood n call ppl

  2. hello!
    Im Zena, And I want to help out in anyway I can.
    Located in GOA........ WAYS I CAN HELP--Right now(throught the night )
    1- if persons injured need phone calls made/emails sent anywhere in INDIA/Abroad
    2-- Relatives and freinds looking for their
    3-loved ones in mumbai esp ppl from Goa ......can help locate hosptals/motuarys /provide emergency phone numbers.
    4-To relatives and freinds of MUMBAIKARS pls feel free to contact me all thru tonite and until this crisis is done.I am reachble on
    @​zenacostawrites on Twitter
    MOBILE +91 9975542642

    Im offering help based on news reports.Can you /anybody with a more clear perspective PLEASE DO suggest how i (GOA BASED)can do MORE.
    JAI HIND!!
