Wednesday 13 July, 2011
Helping hands
Here is a spreadsheet with details of people who are willing to help. Please reach out to them if you require assistance. Also, if you wish to offer help, please add your location, type of help you can provide and username/contacts.
Offers of help here
If you have a place for people to crash, can offer transport or any others in Bombay, do leave a comment here
Can we help?
Leave a message if you're trying to get through to pals in the city. We'll try and reach them for you.
Preferably leave a cellphone number for both yourself and your friends / family, and we'll try and SMS them.
Suggest you avoid calling. Lines are bound to be screwed. SMS direct instead.
Bombay people: stay off the roads. Leave them clear for cops and ambulances.
Police Control Room (Mumbai City)
Altert Citizen
South Region Control Room
Central Region Control Room
West Region Control Room
East Region Control Room
North Region Control Room
Armed Police Control Room
Preferably leave a cellphone number for both yourself and your friends / family, and we'll try and SMS them.
Suggest you avoid calling. Lines are bound to be screwed. SMS direct instead.
Bombay people: stay off the roads. Leave them clear for cops and ambulances.
Police Control Room (Mumbai City)
Altert Citizen
South Region Control Room
Central Region Control Room
West Region Control Room
East Region Control Room
North Region Control Room
Armed Police Control Room
Friday 14 August, 2009
Panic pandemic
From Panic pandemic at Infochange. Please read the whole piece. It injects much-needed sanity to the reactions to the H1N1 scare.
Please do read the whole piece here.
As the pandemic influenza disperses throughout India, the media and the government health services have unwittingly collaborated to create and escalate public alarm. The beneficiaries will be private doctors and hospitals, which are known for irrational and profit-driven practices.
Virologists and epidemiologists have repeatedly emphasised that the H1N1/09 influenza virus causes a mild infection in the vast majority of people whom it infects, just like the seasonal influenza. The symptoms are the same. Also like seasonal influenza, the standard treatment is isolation, rest, lots of liquids, and medication for pain and fever if necessary. A small percentage of patients have complications such as pneumonia that require hospitalisation and, possibly, intensive care.
The overall case fatality rate from H1N1/09 is believed to be about 0.5%, about the same as that for the seasonal influenza virus. In Mexico, where the new virus was first noticed, and where the outbreak was severe, about 2% of all reported cases died.
Though seasonal influenza is not generally viewed with apprehension, it causes severe illness in 3 million to 5 million people every year worldwide. 250,000 to 500,000 die from complications of influenza – about 33,000 of these in the US. In temperate regions, epidemics of this influenza occur in the winter; in India the virus is most active during the monsoons.
While everyone is at risk of seasonal influenza (the virus keeps mutating so no one is completely immune to it), the very young, the elderly and those with chronic conditions that compromise their immunity are more likely to suffer severe illness. In the case of H1N1/09, the majority of people who have fallen severely ill are between the ages of 5 and 59. Older people may be protected because they were exposed to a similar virus in their childhood. Other groups at risk of flu complications are pregnant women and people with underlying health conditions such as asthma and diabetes.
The difference between seasonal influenza and H1N1/09 is that the new virus is much more infectious. “So the absolute number of people who get infected – and the number who die – will be much higher,” says Dr S Sridhar, Vadodara-based paediatrician and public health expert and member of the Medico Friend Circle, a group of health activists and analysts. Crowded living conditions and low immunity because of malnutrition are likely to add to the problem.
Please do read the whole piece here.
Swine Flu - A statement by The Health Awareness Centre, Mumbai
This came to us by email, and we assume that it's okay to reproduce it here. It's up to you to read, understand, check references and decide whether it's good sense or new age mumbo-jumbo.
Statement by The Health Awareness Centre, Mumbai.
Swine Flu : Here is what we know and what we can do
The Health Awareness Centre was started in 1989 to empower people to be healthy without medicine. We have taken time to formulate a statement as we wanted to not create heat but create light.
In the last month or so the media frenzy and government reports on swine flu has only added to the fear and panic associated with it. If we are to fight this so called pandemic we need to start by understanding what it is.
We have been told that Swine flu is a virus (H1N1) that is transmitted from pigs to humans causing flu like symptoms. The treatment for swine flu currently is Tamiflu (oseltamivir) or Relenza (Zanamivir). Tamiflu (oseltamivir phosphate) is approved for treatment of uncomplicated influenza A and B in children 1 year of age or older. It is also approved for prevention of influenza in people 13 years or older. It’s part of a group of anti-influenza drugs called neuraminidase inhibitors, which work by blocking a viral enzyme that helps the influenza virus to invade cells in your respiratory tract. According to the Associated Press at least one financial analyst estimates up to $388 million worth of Tamiflu sales in the near future -- and that's without a pandemic outbreak. Tamiflu is loaded with side effects including death and can only reduce symptoms by 36 hours.
The first outbreak of swine flu was in 1918 (aftermath of WWI), followed by one in 1976, then in 1988, 1998, 2007 (minor episodes are always happening) and now in 2009. Since the first out break about 90 years ago there hasn’t been a single episode in which this disease was effectively managed by conventional medicine.
The current so called pandemic started in Mexico and from there spread to USA and widely beyond North America with confirmed cases in 122 countries by WHO.
WHO has declared that scientific evidence shows that restricting travel will have limited or no benefit in stopping the spread of the virus. WHO has emphasized quick response rather than halting growth and spread of the virus. And instead of a uniform global plan WHO has most countries banking on mass vaccination, with the release of the vaccine expected soon. Manufacturing of the vaccine had started even before the first case of swine flu had been registered with Pharma corporations applying for patent about a year before the first reported case.
In 1918 the death of one soldier triggered the government to order mass vaccination for the whole country of USA. When the vaccine was introduced during the 1976 swine flu epidemic it resulted in 25 deaths. Only one person died of the so called actual disease whereas 25 died of the vaccination and 500-600 were paralyzed (Guillian Barre syndrome) by the vaccine. The manufacturers had to pay $1.3 billion in compensation (do we have those benefits in our country?)
Every seed requires a soil to germinate. Similarly every virus requires an environment to become active. The swine flu virus is no exception. The virus like all other germs and viruses requires an acidic environment to become active.
We have seen that with every generation humans have become smarter and better. This is evolution. Every other organism too evolves. The new strain of the flu we see every year is only evolved strains of the same virus. And hence though we call them by different names e.g. common flu virus, bird flu virus, swine flu virus, H1N1they all produce the same set of symptoms. Vaccinating ourselves against a particular strain only seems to increase our immunity against that specific virus while decreasing overall general immunity.
Each year time, money and resources are spent to develop a vaccine only to have a new ecologically evolved germ the nest year, unaffected by the previous vaccine.
Vaccinating ourselves against a particular strain only seems to increase our immunity against that specific strain of the virus (which in a year will evolve) while bringing down overall general immunity. Each year huge amounts of time money and resources are spent on developing these vaccines only to have a new ecologically evolved strain of the virus, against which the vaccine is ineffective.
To maintain health our body needs to perform 3 functions on a daily basis viz. cleaning, maintaining and repairing. To be able to do all 3 effectively our blood needs to be at a pH of 7.325. If we with our lifestyle make our blood acidic then body regains balance by throwing the acid out.
Moral of the story is its best to let our body handle its own defenses. Our body has been equipped with the most sensitive and efficient defense system. That is why as soon as our body realizes it is under a viral attack it produces large amounts of mucous to trap the virus at the entry point (respiratory system). It then expels this virus through coughing and sneezing. Fever is a hyperactive state of functioning. The body raises the temperature because at raised temperatures our metabolic activity is faster. High temperatures also curb the activity of the virus as it requires lowered temperatures to breed. We feel more sleepy and weak because our body does not want to waste precious energy in physical activity. The loss of appetite occurs because the body does not want to waste vital energy digesting foods that leave behind a toxic residue.
At this time it is important that we support the body by making sure our internal environment is not conducive for viral activation i.e.
We are alkaline and
We boost our immunity to be able to deal with anything that comes our way and
We have the energy to do so.
We can do this by
• Increasing the quantity of fruits, lemon and ginger. (helps in cleaning and giving energy).
• Reducing our cooked meals to only once or twice a day. (conserves energy)
• Avoid those that leave behind a toxic, acidic residue viz. grains, milk and milk products, sugar, fried foods and meat. (to maintain alkalinity)
• Use more herbs and spices. (to boost our immunity)
If we have already started showing symptoms of the flu rest physically and digestively, through the above ways.
For further information on swine flu you can visit.
Swine Flu Vaccine Makers to Profit $50 Billion a Year!!
Side effects of tamiflu (oseltamivir) or Relenza (Zanamivir) on
Legal immunity for swine flu vaccine manufacturers, Pharma corporations file for vaccine patent a year ahead of the first reported case
1918 swine flu vaccination debacle
Statement by The Health Awareness Centre, Mumbai.
Swine Flu : Here is what we know and what we can do
The Health Awareness Centre was started in 1989 to empower people to be healthy without medicine. We have taken time to formulate a statement as we wanted to not create heat but create light.
In the last month or so the media frenzy and government reports on swine flu has only added to the fear and panic associated with it. If we are to fight this so called pandemic we need to start by understanding what it is.
We have been told that Swine flu is a virus (H1N1) that is transmitted from pigs to humans causing flu like symptoms. The treatment for swine flu currently is Tamiflu (oseltamivir) or Relenza (Zanamivir). Tamiflu (oseltamivir phosphate) is approved for treatment of uncomplicated influenza A and B in children 1 year of age or older. It is also approved for prevention of influenza in people 13 years or older. It’s part of a group of anti-influenza drugs called neuraminidase inhibitors, which work by blocking a viral enzyme that helps the influenza virus to invade cells in your respiratory tract. According to the Associated Press at least one financial analyst estimates up to $388 million worth of Tamiflu sales in the near future -- and that's without a pandemic outbreak. Tamiflu is loaded with side effects including death and can only reduce symptoms by 36 hours.
The first outbreak of swine flu was in 1918 (aftermath of WWI), followed by one in 1976, then in 1988, 1998, 2007 (minor episodes are always happening) and now in 2009. Since the first out break about 90 years ago there hasn’t been a single episode in which this disease was effectively managed by conventional medicine.
The current so called pandemic started in Mexico and from there spread to USA and widely beyond North America with confirmed cases in 122 countries by WHO.
WHO has declared that scientific evidence shows that restricting travel will have limited or no benefit in stopping the spread of the virus. WHO has emphasized quick response rather than halting growth and spread of the virus. And instead of a uniform global plan WHO has most countries banking on mass vaccination, with the release of the vaccine expected soon. Manufacturing of the vaccine had started even before the first case of swine flu had been registered with Pharma corporations applying for patent about a year before the first reported case.
In 1918 the death of one soldier triggered the government to order mass vaccination for the whole country of USA. When the vaccine was introduced during the 1976 swine flu epidemic it resulted in 25 deaths. Only one person died of the so called actual disease whereas 25 died of the vaccination and 500-600 were paralyzed (Guillian Barre syndrome) by the vaccine. The manufacturers had to pay $1.3 billion in compensation (do we have those benefits in our country?)
Every seed requires a soil to germinate. Similarly every virus requires an environment to become active. The swine flu virus is no exception. The virus like all other germs and viruses requires an acidic environment to become active.
We have seen that with every generation humans have become smarter and better. This is evolution. Every other organism too evolves. The new strain of the flu we see every year is only evolved strains of the same virus. And hence though we call them by different names e.g. common flu virus, bird flu virus, swine flu virus, H1N1they all produce the same set of symptoms. Vaccinating ourselves against a particular strain only seems to increase our immunity against that specific virus while decreasing overall general immunity.
Each year time, money and resources are spent to develop a vaccine only to have a new ecologically evolved germ the nest year, unaffected by the previous vaccine.
Vaccinating ourselves against a particular strain only seems to increase our immunity against that specific strain of the virus (which in a year will evolve) while bringing down overall general immunity. Each year huge amounts of time money and resources are spent on developing these vaccines only to have a new ecologically evolved strain of the virus, against which the vaccine is ineffective.
To maintain health our body needs to perform 3 functions on a daily basis viz. cleaning, maintaining and repairing. To be able to do all 3 effectively our blood needs to be at a pH of 7.325. If we with our lifestyle make our blood acidic then body regains balance by throwing the acid out.
Moral of the story is its best to let our body handle its own defenses. Our body has been equipped with the most sensitive and efficient defense system. That is why as soon as our body realizes it is under a viral attack it produces large amounts of mucous to trap the virus at the entry point (respiratory system). It then expels this virus through coughing and sneezing. Fever is a hyperactive state of functioning. The body raises the temperature because at raised temperatures our metabolic activity is faster. High temperatures also curb the activity of the virus as it requires lowered temperatures to breed. We feel more sleepy and weak because our body does not want to waste precious energy in physical activity. The loss of appetite occurs because the body does not want to waste vital energy digesting foods that leave behind a toxic residue.
At this time it is important that we support the body by making sure our internal environment is not conducive for viral activation i.e.
We are alkaline and
We boost our immunity to be able to deal with anything that comes our way and
We have the energy to do so.
We can do this by
• Increasing the quantity of fruits, lemon and ginger. (helps in cleaning and giving energy).
• Reducing our cooked meals to only once or twice a day. (conserves energy)
• Avoid those that leave behind a toxic, acidic residue viz. grains, milk and milk products, sugar, fried foods and meat. (to maintain alkalinity)
• Use more herbs and spices. (to boost our immunity)
If we have already started showing symptoms of the flu rest physically and digestively, through the above ways.
For further information on swine flu you can visit.
Swine Flu Vaccine Makers to Profit $50 Billion a Year!!
Side effects of tamiflu (oseltamivir) or Relenza (Zanamivir) on
Legal immunity for swine flu vaccine manufacturers, Pharma corporations file for vaccine patent a year ahead of the first reported case
1918 swine flu vaccination debacle
Wednesday 12 August, 2009
List of city hospitals that have been asked to test and treat Swine flu H1N1 virus
Government hospitals that test and treat Swine Flu
List for other cities also available at the same link.
Mumbai pvt hospitals identified to treat Swine Flu
1) Kasturba Hospital
Sane Guruji Road
Jacob Circle
Opp Arthur Road Jail
Mahalaxmi, Mumbai-400011
Following hospitals are identified by the government as the facilities for Swine Flu testing
2) Sir JJ Hospital
J J Marg, Byculla,
Mumbai – 08
+91-22 23735555
+91-22 23739031
+91-22 23760943
+91-22 23768400
+91-22 23731144 / 5555
+91-22 23701393 / 1366
3) Haffkine Institute
Acharya Donde Marg,
Mumbai – 12
+91-22 24160947
+91-22 24160961
+91-22 24160962
(Helpline: 108)
List for other cities also available at the same link.
Mumbai pvt hospitals identified to treat Swine Flu
The government on Tuesday, Aug 11 took the decision to accredit private operators. However, these hospitals will only be ready to treat the patients after about a week's time.
The list of hospitals in Mumbai that are identified by the authorities are:
1) Jaslok Hospital
15 - Dr. Deshmukh Marg, Pedder Road,
Mumbai- 400 026.
Fax. No: +91-22-23520508
2) Bombay Hospital
12, Marine Lines,
Mumbai - 400 020
Fax No: +91-22-2080871
3) Breach Candy Hospital Trust
60 A, Bhulabhai Desai Road
Mumbai- 400026
Enquiry: +91-22-23667995
Emergency: +91-22-23667809
Appointments: +91-22-23667800
4) Hinduja Hospital
+91-22-2445 2575
5) Saifee Hospital
15/17, Maharshi Karve Marg
Mumbai 400 004
+91-22-6757 0111
Fax: +91-22-6757 0777
6) Prince Aly Khan Hospital
Aga Hall
Nesbit Road, Mazagaon
Mumbai-400 010
+91 22 23777800/900
7) Hurkisondas Hospital
Raja Ram Mohan Roy Road
Padmashree Gordhanbapa Chowk Road
Prathna Samaj
Mumbai -04
8) Lilavati Hospital
A - 791, Bandra Reclamation,
Bandra (W), Mumbai - 400 050
+91-22-2642 1111
+91-22-2655 2222
9) Nanavati Hospital
S.V. Road, Vile Parle (West),
Mumbai 400 056
Emergency: +91-22-2626 7500
10) Asian Heart Hospital
Bandra Kurla Complex
+91-22-6698 6666
Fax No: +91-22-6698 6506
11) Holy Family Hospital
St. Andrew's Road
Bandra (West)
Mumbai 400 050
12) Holy Spirit Hospital
Mahakali Caves Road,
Andheri East, Mumbai -400 093
Enquiry: +91-22-2824 8500
(Extn: 404)
13) Kokilaben Dhirubhai Ambani Hospital
Rao Saheb Achutrao Patwardhan Marg,
Four Bunglows, Andheri (West)
Mumbai - 400053
Emergency: +91-22-3066 6666
Fax:+91-22-3068 0333
14) Brahmakumari Hospital
S V Road, Opp. Andheri Railway Station
Andheri (W), Mumbai - 400 058. INDIA
Fax : +91-22-26715000
15) Sushrusha Hospital
B Ranade Road Dadar (W)
Dadar, Mumbai - 400028.
16) Guru Nanak Hospital
S-341, Gandhi Nagar, Bandra (East),
Mumbai - 400 051
+91-22-26592853 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7
Fax: +91-22-26592862
17) Dr L H Hiranandani Hospital, Powai
Hill Side Avenue,
Hiranandani Gardens Powai,
Mumbai - 400 076,
+91 22 25763300 / 33
Fax : +91 22 25763311 / 44
18) Wockhardt Hospital
Mulund Goregaon Link Road
Mulund West
+91-22 67994444
19) Inlaks Hospital Road
Chembur Colony,
Mumbai-400 074.
+91-22- 25204160/ 61 / 62 / 63 / 64.
Fax No. : +91-22- 25204141
These hospitals will start services after a team of state and civic officials give their approval. They are expected to follow the testing and treatment guidelines provided by the Health Ministry.
Thursday 6 August, 2009
Government-authorised hospitals for the treatment of H1N1 Influenza (Swine Flu) in India
Symptoms: cough, headache, fever, bodyache, fatigue, chills, nausea, sore throat, vomitting, diarrhea.
City | Hospital | Address | Contact |
Chennai | King Institute of Preventive Medicine (24/7 Service) | Guindy, Chennai – 32 | (044) 22501520, 22501521 & 22501522 |
Communicable Diseases Hospital | Thondiarpet, Chennai | (044) 25912686/87/88, 9444459543 | |
Government General Hospital | Opp. Central Railway Station, Chennai – 03 | (044) 25305000, 25305723, 25305721, 25330300 | |
Pune | Naidu Hospital | Nr Le'Meridian, Raja Bahadur Mill, GPO, Pune– 01 | (020) 26058243 |
National Institute of Virology | 20A Ambedkar Road, Pune– 11 | (020) 26006290 | |
Kolkata | ID Hospital | 57,Beliaghata, Beliaghata Road, Kolkata - 10 | (033) 23701252 |
Coimbatore | Government General Hospital | Near Railway Station, Trichy Road, Coimbatore– 18 | (0422) 2301393, 2301394, 2301395, 2301396 |
Hyderabad | Govt. General and Chest Diseases Hospital, | Erragadda, Hyderabad | (040) 23814939 |
Mumbai | Kasturba Gandhi Hospital | Arthur Road, N M Joshi Marg, Jacob Circle, Mumbai - 11 | (022) 23083901, 23092458, 23004512 |
Sir J J Hospital | J J Marg, Byculla, Mumbai - 08 | (022) 23735555, 23739031, 23760943, 23768400 / 23731144 / 5555 / 23701393 / 1366 | |
Haffkine Institute | Acharya Donde Marg, Parel, Mumbai – 12 | (022) 24160947, 24160961, 24160962 | |
Kochi | Government Medical College | Gandhi Nagar P O, Kottayam - 08 | (0481) 2597311,2597312 |
Government Medical College | Vandanam P O, Allapuzha - 05 | (0477) 2282015 | |
Taluk Hospital | Railway Station Road, Alwaye, Ernakulam | (0484) 2624040 Sathyajit - 09847840051 | |
Taluk Hospital | Perumbavoor PO, Ernakulam 542 | (0484) 2523138 Vipin - 09447305200 | |
Gurgaon & Delhi | All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) | Ansari Nagar, Aurobindo Marg Ring Road, New Delhi– 29 | (011) 26594404, 26861698 Prof. R C Deka - 9868397464 |
National Institute for Communicable Diseases | 22, Sham Nath Marg, New Delhi – 54 | (011) 23971272/060/344/524/449/326 | |
Dr. Ram Manohar Lohia Hospital | Kharak Singh Marg, New Delhi – 01 | (011) 23741640, 23741649, 23741639 Dr. N K Chaturvedi – 9811101704 | |
Vallabhai Patel Chest Institute | University Enclave, New Delhi- 07 | (011) 27667102, 27667441, 27667667, 27666182 | |
Bangalore | Victoria Hospital | K R Market, Kalasipalayam, Bangalore – 02 | (080) 26703294 Dr. Gangadhar - 94480-49863 |
SDS Tuberculosis & Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Chest Diseases | Hosur Road, Hombegowda Nagar, Bangalore – 29 | (080) 26631923 Dr. Shivaraj - 99801-48780 |
H1N1 Influenza,
Swine Flu
Saturday 25 July, 2009
help needed at Geeta Nagar
The high tidal waves on 24th July destructed several homes at Geeta Nagar, the largest slum in Navy Nagar and washed away roofs and huts of more than a hundred poor people.
Please contribute rice, atta, sugar, tea leaves, pulses and also bedsheets, and clothes for men, women, children.
Any help is welcome.
This came to me via Lily Ahluwalia on Facebook, with a request to pass it on.
The person to contact is Shridhar Naik, of Helping Hands in Service. You can find their Karmayog page here (couldn't find any other website), and Mr Naik's Ryze page is here.
Contact details: +91 22 22876031, +91 98211 48796,
Tuesday 14 July, 2009
14th July 2009
Do leave updates in the comments on the situation in the city.
Particularly appreciated: updates on the local train situation and flooding reports from the streets.
The #mumbairains hash tag is now getting inundated with spam. We have set up the blog to show the latest tweets with the #mumbaihelp hash tag, over in the sidebar on the right. We'll keep that open as long as it stays spam-free.
Particularly appreciated: updates on the local train situation and flooding reports from the streets.
The #mumbairains hash tag is now getting inundated with spam. We have set up the blog to show the latest tweets with the #mumbaihelp hash tag, over in the sidebar on the right. We'll keep that open as long as it stays spam-free.
Sunday 30 November, 2008
Cincinnati: Jewish Memorial Service on 2 December
Via e-mail from Lisbeth at the Jewish Federation of Cincinnati:
At this dark hour, all people who are committed to pluralism and democracy must redouble our determination to protect, promote and celebrate these liberties even as we combat hatred and intolerance everywhere.
This memorial service, open to all in the community, will take place on Tuesday (December 2) at the new Mayerson JCC on Ridge Road and Ronald Reagan Highway, starting 6:30 pm and will be open to the public. For more information please Contact Lisbeth Sperberg on +1 513-985-1520 or e-mail lsperberg
Cincinnati: Special Prayer Meeting on 30th November
Via Khush Karamchandani at the Hindu Society of Greater Cincinnati:
In response to the victims of the recent terrorist attacks in Mumbai. the Hindu Society of Greater Cincinnati will be holding a "Shanti Path" (peace prayer) to commemorate the lives of the departed, to give spiritual strength to the survivors, and to aid in the recovery of this catastrophe. The prayer will be held at 12:30 p.m. Sunday (Nov 30) at the Hindu Temple of Creater Cincinnati, 4920 Klatte Road, Union Township, Clermont County.
The recent terrorist attacks in Mumbai, India have resulted in unimaginable death and destruction, and have inflicted intense pain and anguish across the globe. This terrible tragedy is not just confined to the city of Mumbai, but is an open attack on humanity as a whole. In this time of deep grief and consternation, our prayers, support, and solidarity are with the people affected by this terrible tragedy.
For further information contact Khush Karamchandani at +15132594016 Raj Bodalia at +15135046328 or the Temple at +15135283714
New Jersey - Condolence Meeting at Royal Albert's Palace on 7th December
Via a news report in the New Jersey On-Line:
The Indo-American Culture Society are organizing a December 7th meeting, at Royal Albert's Palace which is a banquet hall in the Fords section of Woodbridge in Middlesex County, New Jersey. The meeting that is open to all in the community, will commence at 12.30PM and organizers are expecting 1,000 people to attend.
Pradip Kothari, a local businessman and president of the Indo-American Culture Society said; "We feel the pain as U.S. citizens, and we feel the pain in our mother country. We want to send our condolences to the victims and their families, and we want to condemn this barbaric act."
More information on this meeting and vigil is available via phone on +1-732-2839696
Victoria Memorial - Candle-lit Vigil in Kolkata on 6th December
Via Sumit Shah on Facebook:
Light a Candle
Date: Saturday, December 6, 2008
Time: 6:00pm - 7:30pm
Location: Victoria Memorial, Front Gate
City/Town: Kolkata, India
Every now and then, we are presented with a choice.a choice to do nothing...or to take action. Lets unite, and show our politicians, that they need to do something about wat happened in the past 3 days. Lets show them, that we wont forget. Not this time.
There’s a Facebook event page up - - for those of you who are members. Do sign up if this seems like a good idea to you. And yes, please do forward freely. More information is available via e-mail to Sumit Shah (sumitshah@ & Nupur Jhunjhunwala (nupur_2k@
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